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This guide describes how to use the Kaa Objective-C SDK within your application.


Make sure that the following components are installed on your machine:

  • Xcode 7.x or later.
  • CocoaPods 1.x.x or later.


To install a Kaa SDK in your project as a third-party framework, use the CocoaPods dependency manager.

To generate your Objective-C SDK:

  1. Click the Source button. A project source download window will open. Click Ok and download the .tar.gz file.

  2. Unpack the downloaded archive into your project directory and run the following command from that directory.

    pod init

    This will create a file named Podfile You can also create it manually using a text editor.

    If you create the Podfile file using the pod init command, add the following line to include your Kaa SDK as a pod.

    pod 'Kaa', :path => './libs/kaa-ep-sdk'

    If you create the Podfile file using a text editor, make sure to include the following content.

    target '<PROJECT_NAME>' do
        pod 'Kaa', :path => './libs/kaa-ep-sdk'

    In the example above, PROJECT_NAME is the name of your project target.

    TIP: If you want to deploy your Kaa instance in a Swift project, add the use_frameworks! command as the first line in your Podfile file. This step is required if you don’t want to import the bridging headers into your project.

  3. Run the following commands.

    pod update
    pod install

    A log message will be created upon successful installation.

  4. Open the .xworkspace file in Xcode. Your Kaa SDK is listed in the Development Pods group of the project tree.

Using endpoint SDK

To build your project using the Kaa Objective-C SDK:

  1. Open the auto-generated ViewController.h file and create a property named kaaClient.

    @property (nonatomic, strong) id<KaaClient> kaaClient;

    You can skip the declaration of a kaaClient variable and make it accessible to the controller only, but it should be visible and available outside the ViewController implementation.

  2. After the declaration, you will receive the ‘undeclared type’ error. To avoid this, make a forward declaration of the KaaClient protocol.

    @protocol KaaClient;
  3. Open the ViewController.m file and add the #import <Kaa/Kaa.h> header before the controller implementation. Make sure that your controller conforms to the KaaClientStateDelegate and ProfileContainer protocols, and that all required methods are implemented.

After this, Kaa SDK provides you with the Kaa class factory used to create a new instance of the Kaa client.

self.kaaClient = [KaaClientFactory clientWithContext:[[DefaultKaaPlatformContext alloc] init] stateDelegate:self];

Kaa Objective-C SDK is now successfully embedded into your project.

You can find auto-generated docs for Kaa Objective C SDK here.


Kaa Objective-C endpoint SDK uses CocoaLumberjack framework for logging. By default, the SDK logs warnings and errors only.

To change current SDK logging level, open the Kaa/KaaLogging.m file and assign one of the following constants to the ddLogLevel variable:

  • DDLogLevelVerbose
  • DDLogLevelDebug
  • DDLogLevelInfo
  • DDLogLevelWarning
  • DDLogLevelError
  • DDLogLevelAll
  • DDLogLevelOff