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Log appenders

This guide explains how you can create and implement a custom log appender for Kaa.

The process comprises the following steps:

  1. Design and compile a configuration schema.

  2. Implement log appender based on the AbstractLogAppender class.

  3. Develop log appender descriptor.

  4. Provision the log appender.

It is recommended that you use one of the existing log appender implementations as a reference.

Example Maven project structure

You can create an Apache Maven project with the following structure.

|-- pom.xml
`-- src
    |-- main
    |   |`-- avro
    |   |    `-- CustomAppenderConfiguration.avsc
    |   `-- java
    |       `-- org
    |           `-- domain
    |               `-- sample
    |                   `-- appenders
    |                       ` -- custom
    |                           |-- appender
    |                           |    `--
    |                           `-- config
    |                               |-- gen
    |                               |   `--
    |                               `--

Below is an example of Maven project POM file.

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""

    <name>Custom Log Appender</name>





Configuration schema

A log appender configuration schema is an Apache Avro compatible schema that defines configuration structure of the log appender.

            "displayName":"Your server list",
            "displayName":"String parameter name",
            "displayName":"Integer parameter name",

If you use the above example of a Maven project, this schema will be compiled automatically during the Maven build process. To compile it manually, run this command.

java -jar /path/to/avro-tools-1.7.7.jar compile schema <schema file> <destination>

See also Compiling the schema.

Log appender implementation

All Kaa log appenders extend generic abstract class org.kaaproject.kaa.server.common.log.shared.appender.AbstractLogAppender. The following code example illustrates implementation of a custom log appender.

package org.domain.sample.appenders.custom.appender;

import org.domain.sample.appenders.custom.config.gen.CustomAppenderConfiguration;
import org.kaaproject.kaa.common.dto.logs.LogAppenderDto;
import org.kaaproject.kaa.server.common.log.shared.appender.AbstractLogAppender;
import org.kaaproject.kaa.server.common.log.shared.appender.LogDeliveryCallback;
import org.kaaproject.kaa.server.common.log.shared.appender.LogEventPack;
import org.kaaproject.kaa.server.common.log.shared.avro.gen.RecordHeader;

 * Sample appender implementation that uses {@link CustomAppenderConfiguration} as configuration.
public class CustomLogAppender extends AbstractLogAppender<CustomAppenderConfiguration> {

    public CustomLogAppender(Class<CustomAppenderConfiguration> configurationClass) {

     * Inits the appender from configuration.
     * @param appender the metadata object that contains useful info like application token, tenant id, etc.
     * @param configuration the configuration object that you have specified during appender provisioning.
    protected void initFromConfiguration(LogAppenderDto appender, CustomAppenderConfiguration configuration) {
        //Do some initialization here.

     * Consumes and delivers logs.
     * @param logEventPack container for log events with some metadata like log event schema.
     * @param recordHeader additional data about log event source (endpoint key hash, application token, header version, timestamp).
     * @param logDeliveryCallback report status of log delivery.
    public void doAppend(LogEventPack logEventPack, RecordHeader recordHeader, LogDeliveryCallback logDeliveryCallback) {
        //Append logs to your system here.

     * Closes this appender and releases any resources associated with it.
    public void close() {
        //Free allocated resources here.

Log appender descriptor

A log appender descriptor provides Kaa with the information on how to locate and configure your custom log appender. To implement a log appender descriptor, implement the PluginConfig interface first.

It is important to provide your class with the @KaaPluginConfig annotation. This annotation is used by Kaa Administration UI service to scan available log appenders in the class path.

The following code example illustrates the implementation of a log appender descriptor.

package org.domain.sample.appenders.custom.config;

import org.apache.avro.Schema;
import org.domain.sample.appenders.custom.config.gen.CustomAppenderConfiguration;
import org.kaaproject.kaa.server.common.plugin.KaaPluginConfig;
import org.kaaproject.kaa.server.common.plugin.PluginConfig;
import org.kaaproject.kaa.server.common.plugin.PluginType;

 * Sample descriptor for {@link org.domain.sample.appenders.custom.appender.CustomLogAppender} appender.
@KaaPluginConfig(pluginType = PluginType.LOG_APPENDER)
public class CustomAppenderDescriptor implements PluginConfig {

    public CustomAppenderDescriptor() {

     * Name of the appender will be used in Administration UI
    public String getPluginTypeName() {
        return "Custom appender";

     * Returns name of the appender class.
    public String getPluginClassName() {
        return "org.kaaproject.kaa.sample.appender.CustomLogAppender";

     * Returns avro schema of the appender configuration.
    public Schema getPluginConfigSchema() {
        return CustomAppenderConfiguration.getClassSchema();

Log appender provisioning

To provision your log appender:

  1. Build your log appender using this command.

     $ mvn clean install
  2. Move the *.jar file containing the log appender from the /target folder to the /usr/lib/kaa-node/lib folder.

  3. If you use other package than org.kaaproject.kaa.server.appenders*, edit the file in the /usr/lib/kaa-node/conf folder. Use the parameter additional_plugins_scan_package to specify additional package to scan for Kaa plugins configuration. For example, see additional_plugins_scan_package=org.domain.sample.appenders.custom.

  4. Restart the kaa-node service.

     $ sudo service kaa-node restart
  5. Use the Administration UI or REST API to create/update/delete your log appender instances as described in Existing log appender implementations.