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Endpoint profiles

Endpoint profile (EP profile) is a structured set of data that describes specific characteristics of an endpoint.

The profiles are used to attribute endpoints to endpoint groups. Every endpoint profile comprises the client-side, server-side and system parts.

To select an endpoint profile schema, application developer uses the common type library (CTL).

The client-side profile schema is used during the SDK generation. Therefore, if you make changes to the client-side schema, you need to re-generate your SDK for the changes to take effect. For more information, see Endpoint SDK.

The structure of the system part is identical across the applications and is used by Kaa platform to perform internal functions.

Client-side EP profile

Client developer uses CTL to select a schema as the structure for the initial client-side EP profile data. Then, the client-side endpoint profile is generated during registration of a new endpoint.

The client-side endpoint profile can be updated at run time using an SDK API call. After the SDK requested a profile update, the new profile is checked against the profile filters on the server side. Based on the checking results, the group membership of the endpoint is re-evaluated and updated to match the new EP profile. The client-side EP profile can change due to your client application logic or device state. Since the client-side EP profile is unidirectionally synchronized, it should not be considered as a means to temporarily store endpoint data in the Kaa cluster. Endpoints cannot retrieve the profile information back from the Kaa cluster. The endpoint SDK does not persist the profile information over the endpoint reboots. However, it detects profile data changes and submits the new data to the Kaa cluster as a profile update.

Example of a client-side EP profile

For the purpose of this guide, we will use a fairly abstract client-side profile schema.

The schema defines 4 fields:

  • id — unique identifier
  • os — operating system name
  • os_version — operating system version
  • build — build version

The following client-side profile is based on the rules set in the schema.

  "id" : "1",
  "os" : "Android",
  "os_version" : "1",
  "build" : "1"

The schema structure from this example allows filtering the endpoints by the operation system of device (for example, to show only Android devices), OS version (for example, to push some notifications only for the specified OS version). You can create complex filters by combining as many filtering conditions as needed.

Setting client-side EP profile schema

To view the list of all CT schemas available for a tenant, log in to Administration UI and click Tenant CTL.

To view the list of CT schema references for a particular application, open the the Client-side EP profile page under the Schemas section of the application.

To set your client-side EP profile schema, you can export an existing CT schema or create a new one.

As a tenant developer, you can create new client-side EP schemas for your application as follows:

  1. Under the Schemas section of the application, click Client-side EP profile schemas, then click the Add schema button.

  2. On the Add profile schema page, enter your schema name and description (optional).

  3. Then create a schema using one of the two options:

    • Use the existing common type (CT) by clicking Select existing type. Click the Select fully qualified name of existing type field and select the CT from the drop-down list, then select the version from the corresponding drop-down list.

    • Create new CT by clicking Create new type. The Add new type page will open. Here you can create a schema either by using the schema form or by uploading a file containing the schema in the Avro format. See also create a new CT.

  4. Click Add to save your schema.

NOTE: Alternatively, you can use the server REST API to set up your EP profile.

SDK API for client-side EP profile

The endpoint SDK checks for profile changes by comparing the new profile hash against the previously persisted one. When SDK detects a profile change, the endpoint profile management module sends this information to the Operations service. The Operations service then updates the endpoint profile information in the database and revises the endpoint group membership.

Client-side endpoint profile updates are reported to the endpoint SDK using a profile container. The profile-related API varies depending on the target SDK platform, however the general approach is the same.

import org.kaaproject.kaa.client.Kaa;
import org.kaaproject.kaa.client.KaaClient;
import org.kaaproject.kaa.client.profile.ProfileContainer;
import org.kaaproject.kaa.client.DesktopKaaPlatformContext;
import org.kaaproject.kaa.schema.sample.profile.OS;
import org.kaaproject.kaa.schema.sample.profile.Profile;
// Profile is an auto-generated class based on user defined schema.
Profile profile;
// Desktop Kaa client initialization
public void init() {
    // Create instance of desktop Kaa client for Kaa SDK
    KaaClient client = Kaa.newClient(new DesktopKaaPlatformContext(), new SimpleKaaClientStateListener(), true);
    // Sample profile
    profile = new Profile("id", OS.Linux, "3.17", "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT");
    // Simple implementation of ProfileContainer interface that is provided by the SDK
    client.setProfileContainer(new ProfileContainer() {
        public Profile getProfile() {
            return profile;
    // Starts Kaa
    // Update to profile variable
    // Report update to Kaa SDK. Force delivery of updated profile to server.
#include <memory>
#include <kaa/Kaa.hpp>
#include <kaa/profile/DefaultProfileContainer.hpp>

auto kaaClient = kaa::Kaa::newClient();
// Create an endpoint's profile
kaa_profile::Profile profile; = "deviceId";
profile.os_version = "3.17";
profile.os = kaa_profile::OS::Linux; = "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT";

// Set a profile container to pass a profile to an endpoint
// Call each time when a profile is updated
// Start the endpoint
#include <kaa/kaa_profile.h>
#include <kaa/gen/kaa_profile_gen.h> // auto-generated header
#define KAA_EXAMPLE_PROFILE_ID "sampleid"
#define KAA_EXAMPLE_BUILD_INFO "3cbaf67e"
kaa_client_t *kaa_client = /* ... */;
/* Assume Kaa SDK is already initialized */
/* Create and update profile */
kaa_profile_t *profile = kaa_profile_profile_create();
profile->id = kaa_string_move_create(KAA_EXAMPLE_PROFILE_ID, NULL);
profile->os = ENUM_OS_Linux;
profile->os_version = kaa_string_move_create(KAA_EXAMPLE_OS_VERSION, NULL);
profile->build = kaa_string_move_create(KAA_EXAMPLE_BUILD_INFO, NULL);
kaa_error_t error_code = kaa_profile_manager_update_profile(kaa_client_get_context(kaa_client)->profile_manager, profile);
/* Check error code */

#import <Kaa/Kaa.h>
#import "ViewController.h"
@interface ViewController () <ProfileContainer>
@property (nonatomic, strong) KAAProfile *profile;
@implementation ViewController
- (void)initClient() {
    // Create instance of Kaa client
    id<KaaClient> client = [Kaa client];
    // Sample profile that is an auto-generated class based on user-defined schema.
    _profile = [[KAAProfile alloc] initWithId:@"id" os:OS_LINUX code:@"3.17" build:@"0.0.1-SNAPSHOT"];
    // Simple implementation of ProfileContainer interface that is provided by the SDK
    [client setProfileContainer:self];
    // Starts Kaa
    [client start];
    // Update to profile variable = @"0.0.1-SNAPSHOT";
    // Report update to Kaa SDK. Force delivery of updated profile to server.
    [client updateProfile];
- (KAAProfile *)getProfile {
    return _profile;

Server-side EP profile

Server-side profile schema is a set of your endpoint properties the are controlled by your server-side applications. For example, client subscription plan, device activation flag, etc. You can also use server-side endpoint profile to store properties that may be set during device manufacturing and should not be controlled by client application.

The server-side endpoint profile is initially generated at the stage of a new endpoint registration. By default, server-side profile record is auto-generated based on the latest server-side profile schema of a particular application. Endpoint membership in the endpoint groups is re-evaluated and updated to match the new endpoint profile.

Server-side endpoint profile can be accessed and modified by various server-side applications through Kaa REST API integration layer. Server-side profile is not accessible from endpoint SDK or other client application logic, but you can configure your own server-side profile schema using the Administration UI or server REST API.

Example of a server-side EP profile

Below is a simple example of a server-side EP profile schema.


The following server-side profile is compatible with our schema example.

    "subscriptionPlan": "plan",
    "activationFlag": "false"

The schema structure from this example allows filtering the endpoints by subscription plan and the activation flag.

Setting server-side EP profile schema from Administration UI

To view the list of server-side endpoint profile schemas created by a tenant developer, open the the Server-side EP profile page under the Schemas section of the application.

To export a client-side EP profile schema, click the corresponding Export button and choose the export method from the drop-down list. See CT schema export support for available export methods details.

As a tenant developer, you can create new server-side EP schemas for your application as follows:

  1. Under the Schemas section of the application, click Server-side EP profile schemas, then click the Add schema button.

  2. On the Add profile schema page, enter your schema name and description (optional).

  3. Then create a schema using one of the two options:

    • Use the existing common type (CT) by clicking Select existing type. Click the Select fully qualified name of existing type field and select the CT from the drop-down list, then select the version from the corresponding drop-down list.

    • Create new CT by clicking Create new type. The Add new type page will open. Here you can create a schema either by using the schema form or by uploading a file containing the schema in the Avro format.

  4. Click Add to save your schema.

NOTE: Alternatively, you can use the server REST API to set up your EP profile.

System part of EP profile

The system part of the endpoint profile is used by Kaa platform to perform internal functions. Below is the list of system part properties.

Property Description
Server-side Profile Hash The server-side profile hash used to validate integrity of endpoint profile state
Server Key Hash The hash of the server that was used during the last endpoint request
SDK token The endpoint SDK identifier
Endpoint Public Key The public key used for security purposes to validate endpoint requests
Endpoint group state The list of endpoint groups that contain current endpoint.
Client-side Profile Hash The client-side profile hash used to validate integrity of endpoint profile state

Further reading