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Kafka log appender

The Kafka log appender is used to transfer logs from the responsible for transferring logs from the Operations service to the Apache Kafka service. The logs are stored within the specified topics.

Create Kafka log appender

To create a Kafka log appender for your application using the Administration UI:

  1. Log in to the Administration UI page as a tenant developer.

  2. Click Applications and open the Log appenders page of your application. Click Add log appender.

    Add log appender

  3. On the Log appender details page, enter the necessary information and set the Type field to Kafka.

    Appender Type

  4. Fill in the Configuration section for your log appender and click Add. See Configure log appender.

    Appender configuration

Alternatively, you can use the server REST API to create or edit your Kafka log appender.

The following example illustrates how to create an instance of Kafka log appender using the server REST API.

curl -v -S -u devuser:devuser123 -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d @kafkaLogAppender.json "http://localhost:8080/kaaAdmin/rest/api/logAppender" | python -mjson.tool

where file kafkaLogAppender.json contains the following data.

    "name":"Sample Kafka log appender",
    "description":"Sample Kafka log appender",

Below is an example result.

    "applicationId": "5",
    "applicationToken": "82635305199158071549",
    "confirmDelivery": true,
    "createdTime": 1466497790454,
    "createdUsername": "devuser",
    "description": "Sample Kafka log appender",
    "headerStructure": [
    "id": "131077",
    "jsonConfiguration": "{\"kafkaServers\":[{\"host\":\"localhost\",\"port\":9092}],\"topic\":\"kaa\",\"useDefaultPartitioner\":true,\"partitionCount\":1,\"kafkaKeyType\":{\"org.kaaproject.kaa.server.appenders.kafka.config.gen.KafkaKeyType\":\"NULL\"},\"executorThreadPoolSize\":1,\"bufferMemorySize\":33554432,\"kafkaCompression\":{\"org.kaaproject.kaa.server.appenders.kafka.config.gen.KafkaCompression\":\"NONE\"},\"kafkaAcknowledgement\":{\"org.kaaproject.kaa.server.appenders.kafka.config.gen.KafkaAcknowledgement\":\"ONE\"},\"retries\":0}",
    "maxLogSchemaVersion": 2147483647,
    "minLogSchemaVersion": 1,
    "name": "Sample Kafka log appender",
    "pluginClassName": "org.kaaproject.kaa.server.appenders.kafka.appender.KafkaLogAppender",
    "pluginTypeName": "Kafka",
    "tenantId": "1"

Configure log appender

The Kafka log appender configuration must match this Avro schema.

You can configure the following log appender settings:

Name Description
bufferMemorySize Message buffer size in bytes.
executorThreadPoolSize Number of threads that can simultaneously perform an operation with your Kafka log appender.
kafkaAcknowledgement Number of acknowledgments that the producer requires the leader to receive before considering a request complete.
kafkaCompression Type of built-in message compression.
kafkaKeyType Type of generated message key.
kafkaServers List of Kafka bootstrap servers (host name and port pairs).
partitionCount Count of event partitions.
retries Failover property. Number of retries for message delivery failure due to no connection.
topic Logs destination topic.
useDefaultPartitioner If false, the log appender will calculate partitions independently.

Below is an example configuration that matches the mentioned Avro schema.


Playing with Kafka log appender

The example below uses the Data collection demo from Kaa Sandbox.

Before proceeding with the example below:

  1. Install Kafka.

  2. Change Zookeeper to use some other port than 2181 (e.g. 2183).

    • config/ set clientPort=2183
    • config/ set zookeeper.connect=localhost:2183
    • config/ set zookeeper.connect=
  3. Launch Kafka.

Below is the log schema for the application.

    "displayName":"Logging scheme"

The following JSON example matches the schema above.


To play around with the Kafka log appender:

  1. Open the Data collection demo from Kaa Sandbox, follow the instructions to install the application.

  2. Create a Kafka log appender as described above.

  3. Run the following command from the Kafka installation directory.

     bin/ --zookeeper localhost:2183 --topic kaa

This will trigger the Kafka consumer that enables you to see the logs transferred from Kaa.

  1. Use instructions from Sandbox to run Data collection demo application.

  2. Your running Data collection demo application will display the output similar to the example below.

     Data collection demo started
     Received new sample period: 1
     Sampled temperature 28 1474622330
     Sampled temperature 31 1474622331
     Sampled temperature 32 1474622332
     Sampled temperature 30 1474622333
     Sampled temperature 28 1474622334
  3. To verify that Kafka consumer received the logs, run the following command from the Kafka installation directory.

     bin/ --zookeeper localhost:2183 --topic kaa

The console will display similar output.


If you don’t get the desired output or experience other problems, see Troubleshooting.