KAATcpConnect Class Reference

Inherits from KAAMqttFrame : NSObject
Declared in KAATcpConnect.h


Connect message class.
When a TCP/IP socket connection is established from a client to a server, a protocol level session must be created using a CONNECT flow.
Variable header
Protocol Name
byte 1 Length MSB (0)
byte 2 Length LSB (6)
byte 3 K
byte 4 a
byte 5 a
byte 6 t
byte 7 c
byte 8 p
Protocol version
byte 9 Version (1)
Connect Flags
byte 10
User name flag (0)
Password flag (0)
Will RETAIN (0)
Will QoS (00)
Will flag (0)
Clean Session (1)
0x02 - value
Keep Alive timer
byte 11 Keep alive MSB (0)
byte 12 Keep alive LSB (200)
Keep Alive timer - default value 200 seconds.

Session Key: AES Session encoding key (16 byte) - encrypted with the Operations server RSA Public Key
EndpointPublicKeyHash: SHA Hash of Endpoint Public Key (32 byte)
Signature: RSA signature (32 byte) signed with the Endpoint Private Key of Session key (16 byte) + EndpointPublicKeyHash (32 byte)

– pack

Pack message into mqtt frame

- (void)pack


Pack message into mqtt frame

Declared In


– decode

Decode message from mqttFrame buffer

- (void)decode


Decode message from mqttFrame buffer



TCP exception

Declared In


– needToCloseConnection

Check if this Mqtt frame should be last frame on connection and connection should be closed.

- (BOOL)needToCloseConnection

Return Value

YES if connection should be closed after frame transmition.


Check if this Mqtt frame should be last frame on connection and connection should be closed.

Declared In
