client-cpp  0.8.1

Copyright 2014-2016 CyberVision, Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Usage examples

Retrieving current configuration

#include <kaa/Kaa.hpp>
#include <kaa/common/types/ICommonRecord.hpp>
using namespace kaa;
ICommonRecord & rootConfiguration = Kaa::getKaaClient().getConfigurationManager().getConfiguration();

Subscribing for configuration updates

#include <kaa/Kaa.hpp>
using namespace kaa;
class ConfigurationReceiver : public IConfigurationReceiver {
void onConfigurationUpdated(const ICommonRecord &configuration) {
std::cout << "Configuration updated!" << std::endl;
IConfigurationReceiver * configurationReceiver = new ConfigurationReceiver();

Working with configuration objects

Configuration in C++ sdk is represented as tree of kaa::ICommonValue objects.
Use kaa::CommonValueTools helper class to extract values from ICommonValue object.

Extracting primitive from ICommonValue:

using namespace kaa;
ICommonRecord & configuration = Kaa::getKaaClient().getConfigurationManager().getConfiguration();
std::string fieldName = "foo";
// Variant 1: Check correctness of action to avoid exceptions:
// check if record contains field "foo"
if (configuration.hasField(fieldName)) {
std::shared_ptr<ICommonValue> fooField = configuration.getField(fieldName);
// Assuming that field "foo" is a boolean
if (CommonValueTools::isBoolean(fooField)) {
bool fooValue = boost::any_cast<bool>(fooField->getValue());
// Variant 2: Catch exceptions
// If field "foo" is not contained in record or field is not of boolean type library
// will throw an exception:
try {
bool fooValue = boost::any_cast<bool>(configuration.getField(fieldName)->getValue());
} catch (const KaaException &e) {
std::cerr << "'foo' field is not present in record. "<< e.what() << std::endl;
} catch (const boost::bad_cast &e) {
std::cerr << "'foo' field is not of boolean type. " << e.what() << std::endl;

Extracting data from ICommonRecord:

using namespace kaa;
ICommonRecord & configuration = Kaa::getKaaClient().getConfigurationManager().getConfiguration();
std::string fieldName = "foo";
// Variant 1: Check correctness of action to avoid exceptions
// check if record contains field "foo"
if (configuration.hasField(fieldName)) {
// if field "foo" is present in record get its value
std::shared_ptr<ICommonValue> fooField = configuration.getField(fieldName);
// Assuming that field "foo" is a record extract CommonRecord from ICommonValue
if (CommonValueTools::isRecord(fooField)) {
const ICommonRecord & fooRecord = CommonValueTools::getRecord(fooField);
// actions with fooRecord
// Variant 2: Catch exceptions
// If field "foo" is not contained in record or field is not of record type library
// will throw an exception:
try {
const ICommonRecord & fooRecord = CommonValueTools::getRecord(configuration.getField(fieldName))
} catch (const KaaException &e) {
std::cerr << "Failed to get record 'foo': "<< e.what() << std::endl;

Extracting array from ICommonValue:

using namespace kaa;
ICommonRecord & configuration = Kaa::getKaaClient().getConfigurationManager().getConfiguration();
std::string fieldName = "fooArray";
// Variant 1: Check correctness of action to avoid exceptions:
// check if record contains field "fooArray"
if (configuration.hasField(fieldName)) {
std::shared_ptr<ICommonValue> fooField = configuration.getField(fieldName);
if (CommonValueTools::isArray(fooField)) {
auto fooArray = CommonValueTools::getArray(fooField);
// Variant 2: Catch exceptions
// If field "fooArray" is not contained in record or field is not of array type library
// will throw an exception:
try {
auto fooArray = CommonValueTools::getArray(configuration.getField(fieldName))
} catch (const KaaException &e) {
std::cerr << "Failed to get array 'fooArray': "<< e.what() << std::endl;

Setting configuration persistent storage

#include <vector>
#include <kaa/Kaa.hpp>
using namespace kaa;
class MemoryConfigurationStorage : public IConfigurationStorage {
byte_buffer configurationBytes_;
MemoryConfigurationStorage() {}
void saveConfiguration(const byte_buffer &bytes) {
configurationBytes_.assign(bytes.begin(), bytes.end());
byte_buffer loadConfiguration() {
return configurationBytes_;
IConfigurationStorage * storage = new MemoryConfigurationStorage();

Setting configuration schema persistent storage

#include <vector>
#include <kaa/Kaa.hpp>
#include <kaa/schema/storage/ISchemaStorage.hpp>
using namespace kaa;
class MemoryConfigurationSchemaStorage : public ISchemaStorage {
byte_buffer schemaBytes_;
MemoryConfigurationSchemaStorage() {}
void saveSchema(const byte_buffer &data) {
schemaBytes_.assign(data.begin(), data.end());
byte_buffer loadSchema() {
return schemaBytes_;
ISchemaStorage * storage = new MemoryConfigurationSchemaStorage();