client-cpp  0.7.0
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 Ckaa::AvroByteArrayConverter< T >
 Ckaa::AvroByteArrayConverter< SyncRequest >
 Ckaa::AvroByteArrayConverter< SyncResponse >
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 Ckaa::IAttachEndpointCallbackInterface to the listener notifies of the result of whether the current endpoint has successfully attached a target endpoint
 Ckaa::IAttachStatusListenerInterface to the listener notifies of the current endpoint is attached/detached by the another endpoint
 Ckaa::IDetachEndpointCallbackInterface to the listener notifies of the result of whether the current endpoint has successfully detached a target endpoint
 Ckaa::IEndpointRegistrationManagerThe interface to a module which associates endpoints with users
 Ckaa::ILogCollectorThe public interface to the Kaa log collecting subsystem
 Ckaa::ILogStorageThe public interface to access to the log storage
 Ckaa::ILogStorageStatusThe public interface to represent the current log storage state
 Ckaa::ILogUploadStrategyThe public interface for the log upload strategy
 Ckaa::INotificationListenerThe listener which receives notifications on the specified topic
 Ckaa::INotificationManagerThe public interface to topic subscription and notification delivery subsystems
 Ckaa::INotificationTopicListListenerThe listener which receives updates on available topics
 Ckaa::IProfileContainerThe interface for the profile container
 Ckaa::IUserAttachCallbackInterface to the listener notifies of the result of whether the current endpoint has successfully attached itself to the user
 Ckaa::KaaObservable< Signature, Key, Function >
 Ckaa::KaaObservable< void(), kaa::IConfigurationProcessedObserver * >
 Ckaa::KaaObservable< void(const KaaRootConfiguration &), kaa::IConfigurationReceiver * >
 Ckaa::KaaObservable< void(const std::string &topicId, const KaaNotification &notification), INotificationListener * >
 Ckaa::KaaObservable< void(const Topics &list), kaa::INotificationTopicListListener * >
 Ckaa::KaaObservable< void(int, const KaaRootConfiguration &, bool), kaa::IGenericDeltaReceiver * >